Group Profile

Service Industry Representatives (SIR)


        Founded:  1980

       President:  Chris Morgan

                        Automation & Electronics

Vice President:  Mark Ogg

                        Holloman Corp.

       Secretary:  Austin Bucher

                        Jackson Peterbilt

       Treasurer:  Bill Rogers
                        Jonah Bank



Mission Statement:

 Our mission is to provide high quality entertainment experiences to the energy industry for the purpose of promoting our member companies, and to be good stewards for the community.

Annual Events

Spring Feed

In April SIR Wyoming donates their time to cook for an annual luncheon at the Central Wyoming Fairgrounds Industrial Building. SIR member company employees and customers of the oil and gas industry unite each year to network, mingle and enjoy a delicious lunch while fostering and strengthening relationships within the Wyoming energy community.

Two Fly Foundation Fly Fishing Tournament

In May SIR Wyoming donates their time to cook lunch foran annual fly fishing tournament as a way of helping local charities and various rehabilitation projects on the North Platte River. Fly fishermen of the oil and gas industry unite each year to compete for great prizes and fun. Each year's tournament provides plenty of entertainment and stories to tell, but more importantly affords the oil and gas industry yet another opportunity to help the environment and our community.

Senior Wildcatter's Annual Golf Tournament

In July SIR Wyoming sponsors a hole at the annual Sr. Wildcatter's golf tournament. We provide ice cream and beverages to participants for 2 days and 3 rounds of golf.

Fall Shoot

In September SIR Wyoming puts on an invite only skeet tournament with huge prizes and giveaways including several guns as well as some pretty great food. Every participant walks away from this event with a full belly, some great swag and possibly a new gun.

SIR - Service Industry Representatives


SIR is a local Wyoming networking group made up of companies in energy related fields and services. We promote better relationships between our businesses and our customers through exclusive specialized invite-only events in Wyoming which we organize or cook for throughout the year. Many of our members are award-winning BBQ or smoker cooks so no matter the event, we're always cooking up something good.

What is SIR Wyoming?